NSP PAPAYA MINT | Carica papaya - Mentha piperita | EFFICIENT DIGESTION | DISCOUNT

  • Nature's Sunshine PAPAYA MINT | Carica papaya - Mentha piperita | EFFICIENT DIGESTION | 70 tablets of 1739 mg ❤ VEMsiHO.cz ❤ 100% Natural food supplements, cosmetics, essential oils
  • Nature's Sunshine PAPAYA MINT | Carica papaya - Mentha piperita | EFFICIENT DIGESTION | 70 tablets of 1739 mg ❤ VEMsiHO.cz ❤ 100% Natural food supplements, cosmetics, essential oils
  • Nature's Sunshine PAPAYA MINT | Carica papaya - Mentha piperita | EFFICIENT DIGESTION | 70 tablets of 1739 mg ❤ VEMsiHO.cz ❤ 100% Natural food supplements, cosmetics, essential oils
  • Nature's Sunshine PAPAYA MINT | Carica papaya - Mentha piperita | EFFICIENT DIGESTION | 70 tablets of 1739 mg ❤ VEMsiHO.cz ❤ 100% Natural food supplements, cosmetics, essential oils
  • Nature's Sunshine PAPAYA MINT | Carica papaya - Mentha piperita | EFFICIENT DIGESTION | 70 tablets of 1739 mg ❤ VEMsiHO.cz ❤ 100% Natural food supplements, cosmetics, essential oils
  • Nature's Sunshine PAPAYA MINT | Carica papaya - Mentha piperita | EFFICIENT DIGESTION | 70 tablets of 1739 mg ❤ VEMsiHO.cz ❤ 100% Natural food supplements, cosmetics, essential oils
  • Nature's Sunshine PAPAYA MINT | Carica papaya - Mentha piperita | EFFICIENT DIGESTION | 70 tablets of 1739 mg ❤ VEMsiHO.cz ❤ 100% Natural food supplements, cosmetics, essential oils
  • Nature's Sunshine PAPAYA MINT | Carica papaya - Mentha piperita | EFFICIENT DIGESTION | 70 tablets of 1739 mg ❤ VEMsiHO.cz ❤ 100% Natural food supplements, cosmetics, essential oils
  • Nature's Sunshine PAPAYA MINT | Carica papaya - Mentha piperita | EFFICIENT DIGESTION | 70 tablets of 1739 mg ❤ VEMsiHO.cz ❤ 100% Natural food supplements, cosmetics, essential oils
  • Nature's Sunshine PAPAYA MINT | Carica papaya - Mentha piperita | EFFICIENT DIGESTION | 70 tablets of 1739 mg ❤ VEMsiHO.cz ❤ 100% Natural food supplements, cosmetics, essential oils
  • Nature's Sunshine PAPAYA MINT | Carica papaya - Mentha piperita | EFFICIENT DIGESTION | 70 tablets of 1739 mg ❤ VEMsiHO.cz ❤ 100% Natural food supplements, cosmetics, essential oils
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on order shipping within 7-21 days
562 Kč
635 Kč tax incl.
-12 %

635 Kč
Quantity Unit price You Save Discount
2 549 Kč 171 Kč -14 %
3 530 Kč 314 Kč -17 %
4 511 Kč 495 Kč -20 %
Product code 0119
Brand Nature's Sunshine® USA
Expiration date .
Packaging 70 tablets of 1739 mg
Number of days of using the package 12
Recommended dosage 2 tablets / chew 3 times a day
Weight with packaging 0,1250kg
Papaya mint = PAPAYA MINT Nature's Sunshine® USA
  • A product specially created for efficient digestion
  • Supports digestion
  • Positive effect on gut health
  • It supports the immune system
  • It helps with bloating and abdominal cramps
  • It helps with digestive problems
  • It helps with relaxation
  • Helps maintain healthy sleep
  • It has a soothing effect on the mouth and throat - providing relief from a tickling sensation in the throat and larynx
  • Daily portion contains up to 1920 mg of papaya fruit - the only known source of papain = a powerful enzyme that breaks down proteins
  • It helps break down proteins

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